If were given an equation of this form the. The amplitude of a wave is the distance from the crest to the equilibrium position TF True 31 more terms. What Is Amplitude Amplitude Particle Displacement How To Calculate Amplitude Sound Wave Peak Ampl Ultrasound Physics Physics And Mathematics Physics Classroom A medium particle covers a total distance. . An ordinary real number and an imaginary. If we do not have any number present then the amplitude is. Amplitude of a Wave. Amplitude is denoted by A. In this form the coefficient A is the height of the sine. Amplitude is something that relates to the maximum displacement of the waves. A amplitude of the wave ω angular frequency of the wave t period of one oscillation. Depending on how the wave oscillates the amplitude will fluctuate. Y 5 sin ω t. Finding the Amplitude. What Is Amplitude. Y A sin ω t. Furthermore in this topic...